Alright, the tournament is going well, i got all the fighter's sheets ready and the animators animating.
New things im working on:
*My fight for the tournament was good, but im gonna make some more edits. (Soon)
*Im working on team battles, if you have a sonic FC or kirby Fc, or mario, or anything Etc. I will make them fight, (Just to improve my fighting animation skills)
*Im working on my own series as well, its called Sonic all at war trailer* Here is episode 1 scene 1:
Sonic all at war episode 1
*Im also Working on a ***Sonic SHORT!!!!! I've been practicing my animation skills my friends say i've improved alot, so im gonna give it a try. Although, I need Voice Actors for this characters:
*Sonic The hedgehog
*Merlina the wizard
*King Arthur
*Monster 1
*Monster 2
***Those Characters are from ''Sonic and the black knight''
Well thats all i got for now New-grounds, here are some animations i did in case you want to see them, ^^
*SuperSonic Test: Ss.test
*Team Battle 1 (Progress) teamBtt.
*Sonic V.s Coockie: S.V.sCooki
***Thanks for reading :)
I see you updated, good. :)
(P.S. the "thanks for reading" is one of MY lines...)
:D ok, thanks